September 3, 2023
2 min read
I don't like the "Shorts" feature on YouTube. I recently wrote a usercript to hide the feature. I have a couple other posts about userscripts, which I use via Tampermonkey.
In the past, I've used MutationObserver
instances to watch for elements I want to remove. For this script, I was inspired a bit by the Cypress automation testing library. I poll for a target selector until I find it the first time, remove it and then stop polling.
// ==UserScript==// @name Hide Youtube Shorts// @namespace @version 1.0// @description Hide YouTube Shorts// @author Ryan Kubik// @match**/*// @icon @grant none// ==/UserScript==
(function () { "use strict"; function _findBySelector(selector, found) { setTimeout(() => { const element = document.querySelector(selector);
if (!element) { _findBySelector(selector, found); } else { found(element); } }, 100); }
async function findBySelector(selector) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { _findBySelector(selector, resolve);
setTimeout(() => reject(null), 5000); }); }
async function run() { const shortsSelector = "[is-shorts]"; const element = await findBySelector(shortsSelector);
if (!element) { console.log(`Could not find element by selector: ${shortsSelector}`); return; } = "none"; }